In the past week a new documentary, “Died Suddenly,” by Stew Peters has gone viral. On Rumble alone, it’s racked up nearly 8 million views as of this writing. On Twitter it has another 1.6 million views.
The documentary claims to expose the truth about the Covid vaccines, i.e. that they are part of a coordinated plot by population-controlling globalists to kill millions, and possibly billions of people.
I’ll write a longer review sometime soon. But for now, I wanted to share the results of some research I did.
One of the main claims in the documentary is that there has been a rash of people dying suddenly in the past year, since the vaccines were released. The official Twitter account for the movie includes a running list of articles about people who have “died suddenly”.
Many fans of the movie are Googling the phrase “died suddenly”, and posting the horrifying results.
So I thought I’d give it a try. I punched “died suddenly” into Google. The results were disturbing indeed.
On the first page of Google I found articles about:
A 26-year-old Olympic swimmer who died suddenly
A 41-year-old army vet who died suddenly in the Dominican Republic
A prominent cancer researcher who died suddenly at 67
The 27-year-old pitcher for the Angels who died suddenly
A 14-year-old boy who died suddenly
A 13-year-old cheerleader who died suddenly
A story about the FBI investigating a rash of sudden deaths among U.S. tourists
And that was just the first page!
Now, the catch is that I limited my search only to results from the first few months of 2019, i.e. long before the vaccines were a twinkle in the eye of President Trump.
When I did the same search in 2018, the first page included stories about a 6-year-old girl, Cranberries lead singer Dolores O’Rierden, a 10-year-old boy, and a Conservative MP, who all died suddenly. There was even a CBC article about the phenomenon of children dying suddenly, without reason.
And again, that was just the first page! I could then click through page after page of heartbreaking stories about young athletes, middle-aged moms, etc. all suddenly dying. A seemingly unending parade of woe and tragedy.
In 2018.
As I’ve written elsewhere, there is a ton of evidence that young people die suddenly at rates that are much higher than our intuitive beliefs lead us to think. In one sense, it’s extremely “rare” (i.e. it’s not likely that we, personally, will know a young athlete who dies suddenly). In another sense, it’s all too common. One study published in 2020 found that between 2014 and 2018, a total of 617 athletes affiliated with FIFA - the international soccer federation - died from sudden cardiac death. For some reason, none of the Died Suddenly accounts or fans are mentioning this.
The fact is, human beings are terrible at thinking statistically, and unless you understand that in your very bones, you have no business writing or talking about most complex issues. Because we, personally, do not know a young, healthy teen who has died suddenly, we think that teens never die suddenly. And when somebody - say, a documentary-maker - puts a video montage in front of our faces of young people fainting or having heart attacks, our gut reaction is, “Whoa, that can’t be normal. Something nefarious must be going on here.”
The problem is, our monkey brains have literally no idea whether this is normal or not. The only way to find out if it is normal, is to compile comprehensive, careful statistics, and perform careful, unbiased, rigorous statistical analyses, to find out if there is a statistically significant increase in these cases, in comparison with the past. And then, on top of that, we need to rigorously ascertain if there is some statistically significant commonality between these cases, i.e. are the vaccinated athletes or others more likely to suddenly die than the unvaccinated.
Stew Peters did not do this. He compiled a bunch of disconnected video footage of people fainting or having heart attacks (most involving people who did not die, and some who could not even have been vaccinated), in the smug assurance that our monkey brains would freeze up, stress out, and draw the conclusions he wants us to draw. This is a textbook case of propaganda.
I have tried to ascertain if there are statistically significant increases in sudden deaths among young athletes. I simply have found no credible evidence to suggest that this is the case. I wouldn’t rule it out. Anything is possible. But what is absolutely clear to me is that Peters and his co-conspirators (Kirsch, Cole, McCullough, etc.) are some of the most careless, or dishonest, people I’ve ever clapped eyes on.
There are 8 billion people on earth. Sadly, some of those people, even when they seem to be in the prime of their lives, in seemingly perfect health, will suddenly die from freak causes. Perhaps they have an undiagnosed congenital abnormality. You can’t know this by watching a clip of them fainting or having a heart attack.
Real scientists and journalists try to cut through our cognitive and emotional biases to learn the truth based upon careful analyses that rule out alternative hypotheses. Propagandists play with our emotions.
Stew Peters is a propagandist, full stop.
Another great, albeit brief, analysis! This “Died Suddenly” stuff is very transparently designed to switch your brain into fight or flight mode and leave you unable to critically examine the claims being made. It’s all dripping with emotion and so overly alarmist, it would be silly if it wasn’t so ghoulish.
I had a similar experience googling the phrase, somewhat by accident. A few months back I had been hearing about a football player who had “died suddenly”, and in order to quell the gnawing voice in my head telling me, “SOMETHING must be going on!!”, I began searching and one of my searches included those words. I never did come across the story about the football player, but three or four results down I saw a headline that made my stomach sink: “Texas high school quarterback becomes 6th player to collapse on field in last two months.” Six teenagers, all athletes, just concentrated in one area of one state. Surely this was proof! Except the story was from 2014!! That experience kind of made me realize the fallacy behind the attention paid to these recent deaths. They’re not new or unusual, unfortunately.
The other thing that puzzles me, when I hear people claiming these young athletes are collapsing and dying en masse, is how strange it is that one of these incidents hasn’t happened during any major sporting event over the last two years. How statistically unlikely is that? Not a single NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL professional player has died suddenly during any game over two whole seasons of play at this point. Whenever you hear one of these stories, it’s a semi-pro soccer player from Albania that nobody has ever heard of. And as you’ve shown, that’s been a fairly regular occurrence for many years.
Also, this:
Great post, John. Even though I have my concerns about the vaccines, I'm sick to damn death of the propaganda and conspiratorial conclusion-jumping. Confirmation bias spins dogmas out of daydreams.