Another great, albeit brief, analysis! This “Died Suddenly” stuff is very transparently designed to switch your brain into fight or flight mode and leave you unable to critically examine the claims being made. It’s all dripping with emotion and so overly alarmist, it would be silly if it wasn’t so ghoulish.
I had a similar experience googling the phrase, somewhat by accident. A few months back I had been hearing about a football player who had “died suddenly”, and in order to quell the gnawing voice in my head telling me, “SOMETHING must be going on!!”, I began searching and one of my searches included those words. I never did come across the story about the football player, but three or four results down I saw a headline that made my stomach sink: “Texas high school quarterback becomes 6th player to collapse on field in last two months.” Six teenagers, all athletes, just concentrated in one area of one state. Surely this was proof! Except the story was from 2014!! That experience kind of made me realize the fallacy behind the attention paid to these recent deaths. They’re not new or unusual, unfortunately.
The other thing that puzzles me, when I hear people claiming these young athletes are collapsing and dying en masse, is how strange it is that one of these incidents hasn’t happened during any major sporting event over the last two years. How statistically unlikely is that? Not a single NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL professional player has died suddenly during any game over two whole seasons of play at this point. Whenever you hear one of these stories, it’s a semi-pro soccer player from Albania that nobody has ever heard of. And as you’ve shown, that’s been a fairly regular occurrence for many years.
Great post, John. Even though I have my concerns about the vaccines, I'm sick to damn death of the propaganda and conspiratorial conclusion-jumping. Confirmation bias spins dogmas out of daydreams.
Another great, albeit brief, analysis! This “Died Suddenly” stuff is very transparently designed to switch your brain into fight or flight mode and leave you unable to critically examine the claims being made. It’s all dripping with emotion and so overly alarmist, it would be silly if it wasn’t so ghoulish.
I had a similar experience googling the phrase, somewhat by accident. A few months back I had been hearing about a football player who had “died suddenly”, and in order to quell the gnawing voice in my head telling me, “SOMETHING must be going on!!”, I began searching and one of my searches included those words. I never did come across the story about the football player, but three or four results down I saw a headline that made my stomach sink: “Texas high school quarterback becomes 6th player to collapse on field in last two months.” Six teenagers, all athletes, just concentrated in one area of one state. Surely this was proof! Except the story was from 2014!! That experience kind of made me realize the fallacy behind the attention paid to these recent deaths. They’re not new or unusual, unfortunately.
The other thing that puzzles me, when I hear people claiming these young athletes are collapsing and dying en masse, is how strange it is that one of these incidents hasn’t happened during any major sporting event over the last two years. How statistically unlikely is that? Not a single NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL professional player has died suddenly during any game over two whole seasons of play at this point. Whenever you hear one of these stories, it’s a semi-pro soccer player from Albania that nobody has ever heard of. And as you’ve shown, that’s been a fairly regular occurrence for many years.
Also, this:
Great post, John. Even though I have my concerns about the vaccines, I'm sick to damn death of the propaganda and conspiratorial conclusion-jumping. Confirmation bias spins dogmas out of daydreams.